Photo Guide
Follow the tips below when taking your pet’s photo! If you aren’t able to follow these steps exactly, don’t worry! We have a dedicated team who check all orders and photos as they come in.
If your photo doesn’t meet our criteria, we’ll let you know and help you choose a more suitable one!
• Take your photo at eye level with your pet.
• Take your photo in natural daylight and don't use flash.
• Try to get a close up so we can see your pet's unique features.
• Try to get your pet to sit or stay still - make sure there's no blur.
• Make sure no features (e.g. ears!) are out of frame - we can't add them if they aren't in the original photo.

• Pet facing camera at eye level
• Great lighting
• Close up, face & neck are clearly visible

• Not at eye level
• Bad lighting
• Neck not completely visible